Make your own t-shirt yarn and use it in home, garden and crafting.

Upcycle a favorite t-shirt into yarn or rope and use it in your garden, home and craft room.

We all have that one (or 100…cough) favorite t-shirt that we can’t wear anymore, but for some odd reason, it’s still languishing in the closet. Here’s a way to make it useful again and make room for the clothes you really do wear.

T-shirt yarn. Last spring, crafters were using t-shirt yarn for the ear loops on face covering/masks, because they couldn’t find elastic. But, you can use t-shirt yarn/rope in so many other ways.


I use it in the garden to tie up tomatoes, and tomato cages to posts; create support for melons, squash and zucchini; make a trellis for climbing beans; and even to tie my hair back on a windy day. I keep a ball of t-shirt rope in my garden basket and use it all the time. And, because I use cotton t-shirts, they will break down over time, when I throw them in the compost at the end of the season.

I use it often in the house and here are just a few of the ways I’ve put t-shirt yarn to use. I use it to support house plants, to make catnip toys for my cat, tie cords together, and as ties on upcycled gift wrap. And, if I’m short of fire starters, I’ll knot a section of t-shirt yarn (make sure it’s all cotton) and use it to start my morning fire.

And, then there’s my craft studio. Where do I start on that list? I use it in weavings, couch over it on rope bowls, tie bundles of fabric together, make headbands to keep hair out of my eyes when I’m working out, crochet and knit with it…the possibilities are endless!

Do you make and use t-shirt yarn? I’d love to see how you upcycle and use those favorite t-shirts!

If you want to remember some of these ideas, pin it to your eco/upcycled Pinterest board!

Your friend,
