Spring has sprung, and the Egyptian Walking Onions are coming up!

I just wanted to pop in here on my blog for a second to show you what the Egyptian Walking Onions look like in the spring.

They come up, about the size of green onions that you buy in the store. The older plants will get thicker and taller than the plants that started from last fall’s sets that touched the ground.

All parts are edible. At this stage, they are the mildest, and can be used like scallions. I prefer to use them in soups, mostly, but I have also tossed them, sliced, in a pan with a little butter and added to sourdough, once cooled. They are milder after you cook them, but have quite a bit of bite, fresh.

It’s been a long, cold, dreary winter and seeing the green sprouts of walking onions, catnip, daylilies, elderberries ….Spring has sprung and it’s my favorite time of year.


Here is more information about my Egyptian Walking Onions and why I love them so much.

Your friend,
Anne Dovel

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